Monday, November 29, 2010

My baby pics...

A couple of people have said I looked similar to Ashlyn as a baby. I think mainly the big eyes. Here are a couple of my baby pics when I was 6 weeks vs. Ashlyn at almost 3 weeks. What do you think? 

Me at 6 Weeks

Ashlyn at 2 weeks, 6 days

Me at 6 Weeks

Ashlyn at 2 Weeks, 6 days


  1. Ashlyn's eyes definitely look like yours. A couple of the pictures you could have labeled as Ashlyn and I'm not sure I would have even noticed.

  2. Well - I guess a couple would have been both of them. She looks the same size at 3 weeks as you did at 6 weeks!

  3. She looks very much like you! I can't wait to meet that baby girl. I wish you weren't so far away.
