Thursday, November 4, 2010

Due Date Has Come...and Gone

I’ve been counting down to my due date for the past 35 weeks (figuring I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks) and now the numbers are counting UP!

I’m now 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant and this day is almost over. I’ve been trying some of the natural labor inducing methods like walking, acupressure points (though I’m probably not getting those totally right), and uhhh….well, we won’t mention the other one.

On the upside, yesterday I had a doctor’s appointment and I’m finally 2 centimeters dilated, 50% effaced (that’s just means how thin the cervix is…you’re 100% effaced when the baby comes out), and the doctor said she’s further down in the birth canal (I didn’t ask exactly what position). I have the non-stress test scheduled for next Tuesday morning.

Please pray that she will come soon…very soon! And of course, please pray that everything goes okay during labor and delivery with both of us. :)

1 comment:

  1. Both of my babies came late too. Julia-5 days late; Bradyn-4 days late. It's pretty common for a first pregnancy. I pray that Ashlyn comes really soon! Praying for a healthy baby and easy delivery. Blessings to you!!!
