Saturday, October 30, 2010

Still No Ashlyn...

Here's a picture of me at 38 weeks, 5 days.

And today, at 39 weeks, 3 days. We're starting to get a little impatient. I'm not dilated at all and my due date is just a few days away. My next appointment is on my due date, November 3. If I haven't had her by then, they will schedule a non-stress test for 5 days after my due date to make sure she's okay, there's enough amniotic fluid, and the placenta is holding up okay. If everything is fine, they will let me go five more days before they induce...we're really hoping I'll have her before then. I'm starting to get more and more uncomfortable by the day with swelling, backaches, and Ashlyn get getting bigger. My goal is to have her naturally (meaning no c-section and no drugs)...not to be a hero, but we feel that is the best choice to make if the pain in bearable. I feel pretty strongly about having her naturally, so I really don't want to be induced.  We so can't wait for her to be here!

Monday, October 25, 2010

More Cuteness...

This is a custom made diaper bag we ordered from Nana's Gifts (you can find her page on Facebook). The price was VERY reasonable and the bag came out great! She has a big selection of diaper bags but she also makes other things, like custom bibs, cups, plates, duffle bags, towels, etc.

This is a hand-made gift from one of my co-workers. It's so adorable and it matches her room perfectly!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Work Baby Shower

My co-workers threw me a shower on Friday. We got a lot of stuff! We are so thankful! They are all great people and I really enjoy working with them. Ramon is off on Fridays so he was able to come. It was nice to have him there.
One of my co-workers made the cake. She did and awesome job! Super cute!

Ramon even got something...a Daddy Emergency Kit. It was in a tackle box that included caffeine pills, clothes pins for the nose when changing a dirty diaper, chocolate (to give me when I get hormonal, lol), Tylenol for him, 1 diaper, and a whole pack of wipes.

This hamper is one of the gifts we got at the shower. It matches her bedding. It looks so cute in her room!

One of my co-workers made this for Ashlyn. It is adorable!! We love it! Here's some close up pics...

Cute Clothes and Shoes

A friend of mine at work gave us a BUNCH of clothes passed down from her daughter who were passed down by others in her family. Most of the clothes are 12-18 months but there were a few that were for the first year. We packed up everything 12 months plus. There were literally at least 100 pieces of clothing if not more. This sweater is one of the hand-me-downs...too cute!

This is one I purchased at Target
This was a gift at my baby shower at work. A co-worker made it. I this this is adorable. There are several with other designs like this.

This is another gift from my work baby shower.

This is another hand-me-down. I love this jacket!

And a dress, of course!

Basket of shoes...all hand-me-downs except a couple!

A couple of my favorites!

Art for Ashlyn

Ramon and I went on a date to make something for Ashlyn a couple of months ago. Ramon painted a little jewlery box and I made a mosaic dragonfly to go on the wall in her room.

At the painting place after I finished the dragonfly...still has to be grouted.
Ramon painting the jewlery box (how cute).
The art studio will fire the piece for you and you just come pick it back up the next week.
The finished product!

So Ashlyn will always remember Daddy made it for her!

The finished dragonfly. I painted a little design on the wall to match her room.