Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cute Clothes and Shoes

A friend of mine at work gave us a BUNCH of clothes passed down from her daughter who were passed down by others in her family. Most of the clothes are 12-18 months but there were a few that were for the first year. We packed up everything 12 months plus. There were literally at least 100 pieces of clothing if not more. This sweater is one of the hand-me-downs...too cute!

This is one I purchased at Target
This was a gift at my baby shower at work. A co-worker made it. I this this is adorable. There are several with other designs like this.

This is another gift from my work baby shower.

This is another hand-me-down. I love this jacket!

And a dress, of course!

Basket of shoes...all hand-me-downs except a couple!

A couple of my favorites!

1 comment:

  1. Really cute clothes! I like the zebra shirt. Hand-me-downs are awesome. And the shoes are probably like-new, which is nice!
