Friday, June 1, 2012

Ashlyn Avery- 18 Months

Ashlyn had her 18 month well check at the pediatrician in May. She is 22 pounds but I can’t remember how tall she is. She is only around the 25% for weight, height, and head size.  At this visit they ask a lot of questions to be sure there are no concerns of autism. Right when the Dr. Winer (their pediatrician) walked in, Ashlyn said, “Hi Doctor Winer!”  The doctor was like, “Well I guess you’re not concerned about any possible signs of autism!”  Ashlyn pretty much talks our ears off now. She has to point out EVERYTHING she knows when we go places, or even if we’re at home. She probably learns about 1 or more words every day. She constantly amazes us about how much she knows.  Here are some recent pictures of Ashlyn.

 I made some homemade finger paints. Ashlyn had a blast. It is edible so she was eating it too. By the end of it, she was covered from head to toe in "paint".

 The masterpiece.

 She is convinced that the cat in the bushes is Purr Purr (one of our cats that is also black and white).

 Picking flowers. When we leave to go somewhere, she always has to stop and pick a flower first.

 Ms. Independent.

Okay, so this is Ramon at 12 months...see the resemblance?

Watching Barney with Sariah

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