Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ashlyn Avery- 17 Months

Our little Ashlyn amazes us every day. We are really blessed to have such a beautiful, fun-loving daughter.  

She is constantly saying new words, probably several each day, and has started saying phrases and sentences very often.  She will often say “That’s a _____”, or for example when her babysitter told her that her friend, Carli, went home from daycare she kept saying “Carli went home. Carli went home.”  The ABC’s and the “Clean Up” songs are two of her favorite.  When I’m occupied with the dishes and Sariah starts to get aggravated, I will often tell Ashlyn to go sing Sariah the ABC’s. She will try her best to do it. It sounds more like A, C, E, Me, H, B, etc. etc.  Also, every time we are heading upstairs or vice versa, she will start singing “Cleam up, Ceem up, eddy eddy, eddymere” because  I always sing , “Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere” when it’s time to clean up.

Ashlyn loves to copy whatever I’m doing so I’ve been putting her to work!  She will help clean off the kitchen table (I wipe with Clorox wipes and she wipes with a baby wipe).  She will often find some microscopic piece of trash of the floor and throw it away, and she throws her clothes in the dirty clothes before bedtime. She will hand me more than enough diapers and wipes when I’m changing the baby and will wipe Sariah’s mouth when she spits up (She actually does a good job at this but I think it gets on Sariah’s nerves).  

Our little girl will be a year and a half very soon. We are going to attempt potty training soon…wish us luck!

 First Popsicle
 "May I help you?"

 Pretty serious about swinging

 "Want some yogurt, Mama?"

Throwing the ball to Shipley

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