Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First Trip to the Zoo

Ashlyn loves animals. Since Ramon and I are both off on Monday’s we thought we’d take the girls to the Houston Zoo.  They both loved it.  We saw most of the animals there. 

One of our first stops was the giraffes.  There was one giraffe all by himself and Ramon showed that giraffe to Ashlyn first. She looked at it awhile and tried to say “giraffe”. Then Daddy walked over to all the other giraffes that we gathered together eating. When Ashlyn saw them she said, “Whoa!!” It cracked us up. She must have picked that up at daycare. 

Another funny thing Ashlyn did was at the petting zoo. Daddy showed her a goat and said, “That’s a goat”. She then went to every.single.goat in the petting zoo (even the ones that were asleep), and firmly touched them and said “GOAT!!”  After the zoo, we had a picnic lunch on the hill at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion.  It was a very memorable day.

 Looking at a Monkey


Sariah Summer- 3 Months

Sweet little Sariah is starting to show her personality.  She is also starting to realize that crying does help to speed things along. She has started crying a little more than she did (although Daddy would beg to differ…he thinks she cries way more).   Sariah is such a sweet baby. Anytime I bring her somewhere or friends come over that can’t stop saying how easy of a baby she is.  

She still thinks Ashlyn is the coolest person ever. Sariah will constantly watch everything Ashlyn does.  Ashlyn tries to play peek-a-boo with her and likes to make her laugh. We try to include Sariah in everything we do because that’s how we’ve done with Ashlyn from the beginning.  For instance, when we’re eating at the table, Sariah will sit in the high chair with us, or when I’m showing Ashlyn a baby Youtube video, Sariah will also be in my lap watching. 

Sariah has started rolling over from her tummy to her back every now and then. She also has started laughing more and “talking”. Our little sweet pea is already almost 4 months. How time flies!

 Sariah and Emma

 My friend, Meredith, and Sariah

 "Hmmm...What do I want to be when I grow up?"

 "Pretty cool, huh Daddy?"

 Her shy face...I think she's going to be shy. She does this a lot when we talk to her or tries to hide her face.
 Happy Baby

Ashlyn Avery- 17 Months

Our little Ashlyn amazes us every day. We are really blessed to have such a beautiful, fun-loving daughter.  

She is constantly saying new words, probably several each day, and has started saying phrases and sentences very often.  She will often say “That’s a _____”, or for example when her babysitter told her that her friend, Carli, went home from daycare she kept saying “Carli went home. Carli went home.”  The ABC’s and the “Clean Up” songs are two of her favorite.  When I’m occupied with the dishes and Sariah starts to get aggravated, I will often tell Ashlyn to go sing Sariah the ABC’s. She will try her best to do it. It sounds more like A, C, E, Me, H, B, etc. etc.  Also, every time we are heading upstairs or vice versa, she will start singing “Cleam up, Ceem up, eddy eddy, eddymere” because  I always sing , “Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere” when it’s time to clean up.

Ashlyn loves to copy whatever I’m doing so I’ve been putting her to work!  She will help clean off the kitchen table (I wipe with Clorox wipes and she wipes with a baby wipe).  She will often find some microscopic piece of trash of the floor and throw it away, and she throws her clothes in the dirty clothes before bedtime. She will hand me more than enough diapers and wipes when I’m changing the baby and will wipe Sariah’s mouth when she spits up (She actually does a good job at this but I think it gets on Sariah’s nerves).  

Our little girl will be a year and a half very soon. We are going to attempt potty training soon…wish us luck!

 First Popsicle
 "May I help you?"

 Pretty serious about swinging

 "Want some yogurt, Mama?"

Throwing the ball to Shipley

Sariah’s First Easter & Ashlyn’s First Egg Hunts

We had two very spoiled little Easter bunnies at our house…

Thursday before Good Friday:  Egg Hunt at Daycare with a basket full of goodies (plastic eggs, candy, snacks, tattoos, bubbles, etc.) to bring home.

Good Friday:  1) Egg Hunt at Nana and Papa’s with about 30 eggs to bring home, all filled with candy…Plus more bubbles, LOTS of more snacks/candy, and other toys.  2) Swimming with mommy and daddy in Nana’s pool.  3) Going to grandma’s church…I think all the spoiling made up for this because Ashlyn had a meltdown for being dropped off with strangers and it was way past her bedtime by the time we got her.

Saturday Before Easter:  1) Easter basket from Grandma with the following included:  A blanket, baby bottles for Ashlyn’s doll, toys for Sariah, two outfits for each of the girls, a stuffed bunny for Ashlyn, a toddler plate for Ashlyn, a puzzle, and a little candy.  2) Easter basket from Mommy and Daddy with a princess ball, sidewalk chalk eggs, play-doh eggs, and a rice crispy bunny.

Easter Sunday- I woke up VERY sick (either a horrible cold or the flu). Everyone ended up getting it, except Sariah and Daddy didn’t get it too bad.  So we stayed home and all I did was sleep and Ramon watched the girls.   

The Easter Bunny this Year

 Feeding her baby the bottle Grandma got her for Easter

Ashlyn's New Easter Bunny

 At Nana and Papa's Easter Egg Hunt

 Papa <3

 "Someone get this sun out of my eyes!"

 "Gigi" (Ashlyn and Sariah's Great Grandmother)

Egg Hunt at Daycare