Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ashlyn is now 7 months old and doing great! She now eats twice a day; 1 jar of fruit baby food at lunch and 1 vegetable jar at dinner and has graduated to the level 3 foods since she was getting way more than enough of the recommended formula intake. She also has been eating more regular food, like little mashed up pieces of fruits and veggies from our plates.

She had her first ear infection when she turned 7 months (about a week ago). She had a fever over 101 several times throughout one day and that night. We thought she might be teething since she was drooling so much and put everything in her mouth, but we decided to take her to the doctor to be on the safe side. We’re glad we did because she had an ear infection and a soar throat (her throat was red, but no strep).
She’s getting faster and faster at crawling and it looks effortless for her to pull herself to standing now. She recently started clapping her hands a lot. If we say “Yay!!!” then she’ll smile and clap even more. I’ll have to try to get a picture of that. But for now, here’s a few pictures of Ashlyn (some of these are about a month old though).

 Chillin' at Grandma's

 Trying to drink from a sippy cup.

 Playing in her kitchen.

"Excuse me...I'm trying to fix dinner, mom."

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