Monday, April 25, 2011

The Hand, Official Easter Outfit, and Emma

We were at Luby's eating and Ashlyn was in a high chair. All of the sudden she became VERY fascinated with her hand. She was moving it around really slowly and kept examining it. She looked like she was thinking, "Wow, where did this come from? How am I moving this?"  She did it for a long time, then stopped and did it later on several more times. Now she does it every now and then at home.

Okay, here's the first picture of Ashlyn in her Easter outfit, lol!
 After Mommy started singing the ABC's and played Peek-a-Boo she lighted up.

  Trying to Crawl! She scoots backward but hasn't got the forward motion yet.

My two girls!  Poor Emma gets a little jealous. We took this picture so she would know that she's still a part of the family.

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