Here's a picture of me at 38 weeks, 5 days.
And today, at 39 weeks, 3 days. We're starting to get a little impatient. I'm not dilated at all and my due date is just a few days away. My next appointment is on my due date, November 3. If I haven't had her by then, they will schedule a non-stress test for 5 days after my due date to make sure she's okay, there's enough amniotic fluid, and the placenta is holding up okay. If everything is fine, they will let me go five more days before they induce...we're really hoping I'll have her before then. I'm starting to get more and more uncomfortable by the day with swelling, backaches, and Ashlyn get getting bigger. My goal is to have her naturally (meaning no c-section and no drugs)...not to be a hero, but we feel that is the best choice to make if the pain in bearable. I feel pretty strongly about having her naturally, so I really don't want to be induced. We so can't wait for her to be here!
Wow, you are brave. Good luck to ya! If it makes you feel any better, both of my boys were induced, I had an epidural, and there were no complications. Both boys are very healthy, so it won't be the end of the world if you decide to get meds. I felt no pain until after delivery. When the epidural wore off, wow, I was glad I had been numb. I can't wait to meet little Ashlyn and I hope everything goes smoothly and the way you want it. We love you guys!
ReplyDeleteI heard that some of the meds can make you nauseous and sick, so I avoided most. With Julia, I got to 9 cm, but I still had the epidural. Made for a pain-free delivery! Praying that everything goes well for you and that you deliver a healthy baby very soon!