Monday, August 22, 2011

It's a Girl

How Far Along:  20 Weeks on Wednesday (Half-way there!!)

Size of Baby: About the size of a cantaloupe (6.5 inches, 10.6 oz)

Gender: GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name:  Sariah Summer 

What's changed in the last weeks:  We found out we're having another baby girl!  Also, I feel her kick all the time now.  We're planning on having a scheduled c-section on January 5, 2011 (2 days after our anniversary)!  I decided to go with another c-section instead of a v-bac (vaginal birth after cesarian). The risks in a v-bac were just not worth in to me (I have a 3% chance of my uterus rupturing with a v-bac).

What I look forward to: Decorating her bedroom! We have an office upstairs that will be transformed into another baby room. The office is getting kicked downstairs by the playroom.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ashlyn is now 9 months old! 

Height, Weight, and Head Size- She had her 9 month check-up a few days after she turned 9 months. She is in the 63% for height (28 inches), the 48% for weight (18lbs 6 oz--she actually lost a pound in the last month), and is in the 27% for head size.

Eating and Teeth- She eats pretty much the same amount as she did a month ago but eats a lot more table food and can feed herself finger foods. A few new things that she's tried in the last month are white turkey meat hot dogs and tacos (ground beef with soft flour tortilla).  There hasn't really been anything that she doesn't like except yogurt. Just in the last week, she's been cutting her first tooth on the bottom middle. It's barely poking through now!

Talking and Mobility- She is "talking" a lot more now. She will sometimes repeat what you say, like "dog" or "cat", but mostly she just talks in her own language. The day after she turned 9 months she took 3 steps by herself. She's trying to walk and will take a step here and there on her own.

Here's a few updated pictures of Ashlyn:

 Feeding herself turkey dogs. She loved them!

 She absolutely LOVES the piano! When she's at her Grandma's house she will crawl into the other room to the piano. She will sit there and listen or play for 30 minutes or more most of the time.

 She also loves playing in water. She has a blast in the bath splashing and playing with her toys. These pictures are her playing with my friend Ivy's kids.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Few Updated Pics of Ashlyn

 With her second cousin, Athena, at a baby shower.

 Waving with both hands.
 Showing off that she can stand and wave at the same time...she is SO proud of herself.
 Standing without pulling on anything to stand herself up. She's getting super close to walking. She can walk if I hold one of her hands but she's too scared to do it on her own (she's gotten hurt several times from trying already).
Showing off her big girl outfit.

Baby Onion

How Far Along: 17 Weeks Tomorrow

Baby’s Size: About the size of an onion (5.1 inches long, 5.9 oz)

Symptoms: Just very exhausted all the time, nauseous every now and then but that’s mostly gone, and headaches. I’ve been getting a lot of those, but it’s manageable.

Milestones: I have actually felt the baby a few times now! Every now and then I’ll feel a little kick or something but it’s not very strong yet. Also, the baby’s heartbeat is found every doctor’s visit on the Doppler. It’s always comforting to hear that every time I go. The heart rate was somewhere around 155 bpm, which is normal. Ashlyn’s was always close to the 160s when I was preggy with her.

What I look forward to: On August 15th we’ll find out the gender (hopefully)! We’re dying to know! The wait is killing us (especially Ramon)! So only 1 week and 6 days left...and counting.
p.s. Updated pictures of Ashlyn soon! She’s almost taking a few steps!